Friday, December 4, 2015

Another Blog About Blogging

I may have covered this topic before.  The reason I can’t remember may be that I have yet to get into a routine with blog posts.  As I reflect on why I do not blog more often, I can come up with a few reasons.  I have yet to make it a priority, kind of like exercise for me.  Or maybe I communicate more via Twitter and email, so the blog post might be redundant.  While these may be factors, I think the real reason I do not blog often is a fear factor in sharing my thoughts on education related topics.  The fear that my blog post may spark controversy or lead teachers into a space where they think the blog post means some big changes are on the way.  Or maybe I fear that I will expose my differences in philosophy with other leaders in my district. I need to get over this fear, as I believe that blogs can be great conversation starters, even if some of those conversations end up being difficult conversations.  So, once again, I am going to try to blog more often.  Consider this a December head start on a new year’s resolution.  Maybe the exercise will happen too. 

I would love to write more on topics such as our experiences going 1:1 with Chromebooks, our attempt to have more teacher-driven professional development, or sharing my experiences on a recent trip to China.  I will shy away from my thoughts on gun control, religion, and politics, as this blog is not really intended to address topics outside of education.  I briefly posted and then deleted a blog post yesterday regarding the most recent mass shooting in America after our school went into “lockout” because of a report that there was a man with a long gun involved in a police standoff down the street from our school.  Fortunately, it ended up that he did not have a gun and it was a good test of our safety protocols.  I deleted the post because it touched on my thoughts about gun control and even linked to the Daily News cover that sparked so much debate.  I decided again, that this blog is not the forum for that.  That action of thinking I need to delete a post sparked this blog.  So, moving forward I will try to blog more frequently and still try to avoid stepping into too much controversy.  There will be some self-censorship without compromising on my values.

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